Telomerase repairs the protective caps of chromosomes: reactivating organs degenerate shooting
Telomerase - 'We are planning studies in healthy but older mice to see if our method also works on them, "said DePinho. Or to see if, by turning the enzyme, you can stop or slow down the physiological aging process which we are all meeting. The enzyme peak of this process of "rejuvenation Pilot" and telomerase, repairing the ends of chromosomes (telomeres). The same method mentioned in the latest issue of the journal Nature , could be used to repair diseased organs, and degeneration, reactivating the targeted enzyme telomerase, for example, only in liver affected cirrhosis. Telomeres are the caps that are at the ends of each chromosome, each cell in the enzyme telomerase is concerned to continually repair the telomeres. However, as we age the telomeres "fray", as the ends of shoe laces which broke the plastic cap that protects them. When this happens the information genetica viene via via intaccata e a ciò corrisponde un progressivo invecchiamento e malfunzionamento delle cellule. L'idea di DePinho è stata di vedere se, riattivando la telomerasi, questo naturale processo di deterioramento si può arrestare. Così gli esperti hanno creato in laboratorio topolini con un difetto nel gene della telomerasi, caratterizzati da atrofia di organi e tessuti, difficoltà di guarigione di ferite e perdita di cellule staminali.
FUTURI STUDI - «Questi topi mostrano gravi segni e sintomi di invecchiamento avanzato già in età adulta e vivono meno degli altri - spiega DePinho -. A questi topolini abbiamo acceso la telomerasi e osservato una sorprendente reversione their state of aging: the stem cells are awakened, their bodies are rejuvenated, the brain has grown, are back and more fertile. Although for the moment these results tell us that even the natural aging process can be sent back in this way, and the answer to this question will be the subject of future studies - said DePinho -, this work suggests that if we remove the cause of 'aging, can rejuvenate aged tissues. Moreover, given that telomeres play a major role in aging, the study suggests that pharmacological strategies designed to turn a temporary lack of telomerase in tissues that do not work at all or just might work to rejuvenate them. Although it is early to say that such clinical applications could be used to slow the natural decline of age of an individual, there are now strong evidence that the restoration of telomeres in premature aging due to degenerative diseases such as Ataxia Telangiectasia, or diseases of organs such as liver cirrhosis, have a significant impact.
( Source: Ansa )