Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Age Of Empires Ii 2.0a No Cd

Telomerase repairs the protective caps of chromosomes: reactivating organs degenerate shooting

MILAN - You can send back the clock and rejuvenate your body, or even some of its organs or tissues affected by diseases that cause degeneration? A study on mice aging prematurely due to a genetic defect shows that re-activating an enzyme important for maintaining intact DNA, the animals rejuvenate in effect, testes, spleen and intestine were in the process of degeneration back to life, so also the brain, and the animals can also return fertile. The important result is the team of Ronald DePinho of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

Telomerase - 'We are planning studies in healthy but older mice to see if our method also works on them, "said DePinho. Or to see if, by turning the enzyme, you can stop or slow down the physiological aging process which we are all meeting. The enzyme peak of this process of "rejuvenation Pilot" and telomerase, repairing the ends of chromosomes (telomeres). The same method mentioned in the latest issue of the journal Nature , could be used to repair diseased organs, and degeneration, reactivating the targeted enzyme telomerase, for example, only in liver affected cirrhosis. Telomeres are the caps that are at the ends of each chromosome, each cell in the enzyme telomerase is concerned to continually repair the telomeres. However, as we age the telomeres "fray", as the ends of shoe laces which broke the plastic cap that protects them. When this happens the information genetica viene via via intaccata e a ciò corrisponde un progressivo invecchiamento e malfunzionamento delle cellule. L'idea di DePinho è stata di vedere se, riattivando la telomerasi, questo naturale processo di deterioramento si può arrestare. Così gli esperti hanno creato in laboratorio topolini con un difetto nel gene della telomerasi, caratterizzati da atrofia di organi e tessuti, difficoltà di guarigione di ferite e perdita di cellule staminali.

FUTURI STUDI - «Questi topi mostrano gravi segni e sintomi di invecchiamento avanzato già in età adulta e vivono meno degli altri - spiega DePinho -. A questi topolini abbiamo acceso la telomerasi e osservato una sorprendente reversione their state of aging: the stem cells are awakened, their bodies are rejuvenated, the brain has grown, are back and more fertile. Although for the moment these results tell us that even the natural aging process can be sent back in this way, and the answer to this question will be the subject of future studies - said DePinho -, this work suggests that if we remove the cause of 'aging, can rejuvenate aged tissues. Moreover, given that telomeres play a major role in aging, the study suggests that pharmacological strategies designed to turn a temporary lack of telomerase in tissues that do not work at all or just might work to rejuvenate them. Although it is early to say that such clinical applications could be used to slow the natural decline of age of an individual, there are now strong evidence that the restoration of telomeres in premature aging due to degenerative diseases such as Ataxia Telangiectasia, or diseases of organs such as liver cirrhosis, have a significant impact.

( Source: Ansa )

Friday, November 26, 2010

2001 Mustang Engine Diagram

4G iPod Touch: pros and cons.

Let me reiterate, further develops, I had made some remarks on the forum Duck ...

last few weeks I'm using a fourth-generation iPod Touch after having had a second.

The first consideration is the form : Apple has chosen to make a super slim device with metal edges beveled with the result that the new Touch and 'transformed in a soap that you can not hold. The problem is 'even more' obvious when you try to use keys that are no longer 'side mounted, but due to the edge, are oriented nearly at the back, then press them equivalent to giving a boost that makes it even more' hard already the 'precarious grip on the device.

Another side effect of the unhealthy idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a device so 'thin' that the space for the camera and 'minimum, with the result that the quality' of it and 'well below the counterparty as the iPhone 4G ( the lack of space and 'the reason given by Apple to justify the quality' of the iPod bottom of the camera).

Once again, the 'aesthetic took precedence over function ' . The problem

" soap " resolves spending € 10 more in a silicone cover (armed robbery) that sets forth substantially the size of the iPod 2/3G still adding more protection and greater manageability. Of course, the aesthetic is cheerfully whores ... do so more directly 'more often and with materials' intrinsic right?

What surprised me, and 'that although the camera quality is' very poor, things are opposite to the camera .

All ' open, so with good lighting, and 'almost comparable to the quality' video of my Lumix F5 (and sorry if I say anything!) and beats hands down the quality 'video of' Optimus LG.

The question changes when they register in the internal , in this case, the iPod has a quality 'slightly lower than both the LG and get wood from the blind and the rest Lumix God forbid. The fact remains that external in the iPod more than a little surprising .

The other strong point of the new iPod and 'display the : better than this' and' almost impossible. The quantum leap over previous generations and 'embarrassing. It 'also improved readability' to direct light the sun, we are not yet at the level of the undisputed king in this field (the BlackBerry), but 'is nevertheless a step forward from the past and best LG Optimus 7 under the sun, not doing too well.

Another aspect not to be overlooked when considering the new 960x640 pixel display and 'excellent rendering algorithm for text and image zoom limited to, text legible and no sign of downscaling the images. Again LG and BlackBerry can not help but gained.

slightly different when it zooms to the maximum, here nell'upscaling WP7 is definitely better, but the fact is that it 'more' quality important 'to zoom minimum, and given that' the situation more 'frequently.

's iPod autonomy and' fair, especially when you play music while you surf the WiFi if you play or not 'which is much better than the LG.

The quality 'of ear Series and' decent but far from that of a good pair of headphones, just as a good backup. The software

we know, there are special things to report except that I managed to crash Safari Apple.com browsing our site! : D

A couple of days ago and 'release' s upgrade to IOS 4.2 and as often happens with software updates Apple this time there 'was a problem for luck easily resolved. Completed the upgrade, the iPod music library was completely empty, but iTunes could see the space occupied even if it appeared that there were songs. After copying an album from iTunes to the iPod the music before this and 'reappeared.

AirPlay I had no way to prove it, I do not own an Apple TV and from what I understand (?) Can not be 'to stream to a Mac

Friday, November 19, 2010

Jcpenney Curling Irons

that rejuvenates the hair cells will recover

Yamanaka: I'll let you experiment with pluripotent stem imiei

stem cells? Doubts and disputes will continue, at least for a while '. Issues bioethics related to this fundamental research, in fact, are far from resolved. To recognize and Shinya Yamanaka, the Japanese scientist famous for his insight and then discovered that to produce pluripotent stem cells do not need to destroy human embryos. You can get the same results with adult cells, such as those of the skin.

Yet the cells are obtained - the "induced pluripotent stem," the iPS - are not exactly the same as those derived from human embryos - the "embryonic stem cells" or "esc" - and, above all, is not conceivable, for now, use them for experiments on humans (as is the case for the embryonic ones).

In 2007, when it was announced the discovery of Yamanka aroused huge expectations, because it promised to resolve all issues bioethics. The scientist of the 'Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences "of the Kyoto University had to turn back the hands of individual living cells, making them look younger to the point to become like those of the embryo but without destroying anyone. Moreover, Yamanaka was then able to reprogram cells and make them take the desired shape, such as those heart. Hers, then, was a masterpiece of genetic engineering. Now, after three years, the expectations generated by this discovery have been realized only partially. Stem cells are induced unstable and the process of 'reset' is still unclear for use in the human body, for example, for a transplant.

It 's a long road, but full of promise. It is no coincidence that Yamanaka will be in Rome tomorrow and will withdraw from the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, the 2010 Balzan Prize for Biology. And to confirm that the outlook is open all is the fact that a further contribution to research will the same recognition. Yamanaka will donate half of the figure - one million Swiss francs - for scholars working in the field.

SOURCE: Emanuele Perugini (lastampa.it)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mobile Home Ceiling Paneling

Cold baby goodbye. Spray the defeat

The result obtained by the scholars of Cambridge, the English laboratory Nobel. "Antibodies ambush inside the cell." The mechanism will also be useful in combating many other more dangerous viruses, such as those that cause gastroenteritis

Goodbye stuffy nose, burning throat, coughing and sneezing. Scientists at Cambridge University have discovered the cure for a cold to disappear. The most common disease in the world, affecting every year, several times a year, millions of people of all ages, will be defeated.

may be eradicated thanks to the antibodies in our immune system and a protein that attaches to the virus destroying it. Should be ready within a decade, a medicine, probably a spray can get rid of the nuisance which articulates the autumns, winters and sometimes the other seasons. For the pharmaceutical industry the result is a goldmine of new revenues. For authors of discovery sees the possibility of the Nobel Prize. And for all the suffering in the cold is approaching the end of runny nose and sneezing in the series.

The breakthrough is the result of exceptional scholars in a town famous all over the planet: the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge, dubbed the "factory Nobel "for the number of prizes won (14). You become 15 when l'impatto di questa nuova scoperta comincerà a farsi sentire. Merito di una piccola squadra di giovani studiosi, guidati dal dottor Leo James. Un team di cui fa parte anche un ricercatore 26enne, William McEwan, con un cognome ben noto: suo padre è Ian McEwan, uno degli scrittori più affermati del Regno Unito, autore di romanzi diventati best-seller in tutto il globo. "Sono enormemente orgoglioso e felice per mio figlio", dice a "Repubblica" il romanziere. "Era innamorato della scienza fin da piccolo, a tre anni andava a letto con un atlante o un enciclopedia". Il Nobel, nella famiglia McEwan, potrebbe vincerlo prima il figlio del padre, per la biologia anziché per la letteratura.

The novelty of the discovery made by British scientists is this: for the first time have found that the immune system of the human body can destroy the cold virus "after" that has invaded the interior of a human cell, an undertaking until now considered impossible. Dr. James and his colleagues have demonstrated that antibodies of the immune system can enter the cell with the virus invader and there, inside the cell itself, manage to destroy it very quickly. "It's like an ambush that antibodies tend to the virus," Dr. James writes in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Once the immune mechanism comes into operation, the virus is eliminated in the space of an hour or two. It is a fast process."

A staff member who makes out the cold is a protein called Trim 21, located in the cells. Working on this protein, in the future should be possible to produce a nasal spray that can eradicate the common cold. But not only. The same discovery, the idea that antibodies can destroy a virus anche dopo il suo ingresso nelle cellule umane, potrebbe eliminarne molti altri, da quello che provoca il vomito a quello che causa diarrea e gastroenterite: virus che uccidono migliaia di bambini ogni anno nei paesi in via di sviluppo. In tal senso, il valore della scoperta fatta a Cambridge è storico. I virus sono i peggiori killer dell'umanità: fanno il doppio delle vittime dei tumori. Avere trovato il modo di metterli fuori uso è una pietra miliare per la medicina. Non a caso è successo nella "fabbrica dei Nobel", lo stesso laboratorio in cui nel 1953 Jim Watson e Francis Crick scoprirono i segreti del Dna. La notizia era ieri sulle prima pagine di tutti i giornali inglesi. È al dottor James, al figlio di McEwan e ai loro colleghi che dovremo dire grazie, se entro dieci anni non ci lamenteremo più del raffreddore.

FONTE: Enrico Franceschini (repubblica.it)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Regain Kidney Function

AIDS vaccine Italian regenerates the immune system

Il vaccino terapeutico italiano anti-Aids, in fase di sperimentazione, riporta verso la normalità le funzioni immunitarie dei malati. Un risultato più che promettente, “entusiasmante” lo definisce Barbara Ensoli, del Centro nazionale AIDS dell’Istituto superiore di Sanità, che sta sviluppando il vaccino.

Uno studio pubblicato magazine PlosOne , which reports the results of the interim analysis of phase II clinical trial, shows that in 87 patients after 48 weeks significantly improves the immune system already compromised by the virus, thanks to the combined vaccine Tat with antiretroviral therapy.

'improve their quality of life - says Ensoli - because even if the treatment stops the virus fail to block a range of other disorders that continue to be, from cardiovascular to those in the brain, up to premature aging, with people 40 years shows that 70. " A perverse effect of Tat, the real "engine" of the HIV virus, which continues to act even while receiving antiretroviral therapy and compromise the immune system. Just Tat acts against the vaccine, triggering an immune response lasting, ultimately making the virus a car without engine, and defuse the destructive action.

"This vaccine - says Ensoli - get where drugs do not arrive. Block immunoattivazione, increased B cells, immune cells gather capabilities, there is in fact a return to equilibrium in patients already receiving an effective drug therapy. "

"These results - highlights the ISS President Enrico Garaci - dimostrano che valeva la pena di esplorare le potenzialità del vaccino Tat. Il miglioramento dei parametri immunologici nei pazienti vaccinati trattati con terapia antiretrovirale rappresenta una tappa importante, e non ci fermiamo qui». I passi successivi sono ancora più ambiziosi: valutare l’effetto del vaccino in pazienti sintomatici, per bloccare la malattia, e poi valutare l’effetto preventivo del vaccino, ossia su pazienti sani. «Il meccanismo della Tat è sempre quello - conferma Ensoli - e noi speriamo che il vaccino funzioni anche per le altre indicazioni. Finora abbiamo ottenuto risultati superiori alle nostre aspettative, e molto rapidi».

L’iter di sperimentazione del vaccino Italian treatment started 15 years ago, the clinical phase I started in 2003, Phase II in 2008 and has yet to finish. The problem, however, said Ensoli, time is money: "We no longer have funds to complete Phase II."

beginning of the trial were spent around 20 million euro, against the Ministry of Health and Iss, "but the figure was 20 times higher," highlights Garaci, to test whether the vaccine had been an private rather than public bodies. Now the ISS holds 10 patents which, when it comes to produce the vaccine will also be sold to private companies. "Our goal is to treat patients and we have no foreclosure on transparent partnerships with the private sector, "concludes Ensoli.

SOURCE lastampa.it

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Skate Sharpining Machines For Sale

American Scientists obtained from blood cells Skin

produce human blood stem cells from skin, blood, of course, identical to the patient. It could be a revolutionary breakthrough for blood transfusions the discovery by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, who have discovered how to make human blood from adult human skin.

The discovery, published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature , it could mean that in future patients in need of blood (during surgery, cancer treatment, a transplant or many other applications) may be transfused blood consists of cells with their own DNA.

times? According to scientists, human clinical trials could start in 2012. Mick Bhatia, scientific director of McMaster's Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute at the G. Michael Degroote School of Medicine, and his team of researchers have also shown that the "conversion" from skin cells to blood cells is direct, does not require the intermediate step of transforming the stem cells of the skin and then turn them into pluripotent stem cells in the blood.

"We have shown that this works with the human skin. We know how it works and I think it can also improve the process, "said Bhatia. "We are at work - he added - to derive stem cells from other types of skin."

The discovery has been replicated many times over two years with human skin is that fewer young people by young people to show that it works for any age. The researchers took samples of skin and then extracted stem cells grown in the laboratory. He was then just add to stem a transcription factor, which is a protein that induces genes to "turn on" to reprogram cells directly and transform into blood cells.

SOURCE: lastampa.it