Monday, March 14, 2011

Vintage Ertica Malina Velba

Force Dynamics 401cr: a driver's seat from $ 100,000 in a new video

Force Dynamics is a small family composed of father and son at the request of a customer has made 401cr , a driver's seat is not impossible to define "extreme." The seat can rotate it 360 degrees and tilt sideways, fall and rise, pretending that all the movements to which a pilot would be subject if you put the wheel of a car true.
In the movie you can see a journalist Engadget do a test drive Iracing (a location like this do not deserve nothing less than the best simulator on the market). Needless to say, a toy like this is the prerogative of a few: la versione base senza piattaforma roteante costa 40.000 dollari, mentre la versione completa che potete ammirare nel video arriva a costare ben 100.000 dollari (o 72.000€ se preferite).


Questo sedilone batte il mio di brutto, peccato per i 70 mila euro...

What Did Anglo Saxons Use Instead Of Rhyme


Alcune di queste scene le ho già viste...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Churidar Stitching Tutorial

Found in the brain switch "anti-anxiety"

Si trova nell’area del cervello della paura

Un “click” nel cervello per spegnere l’ansia. Un team di ricercatori americani ha infatti scoperto che basta stimolare un particolare circuito cerebrale per spegnere l’ansia. Un interruttore che, un po’ a sorpresa, si trova proprio all’interno di una struttura del cervello associata con la paura.

La ricerca della Stanford University School of Medicine (Usa) è pubblicata online su Nature . Nello studio Karl Deisseroth e i suoi colleghi hanno impiegato un modello animale (topo) per dimostrare che stimolare l’attività in this circuit increases the propensity of animals to take risks, while inhibiting these suddenly become much more cautious.

According to the magazine, this circuit could become the target of a new class of anti-anxiety drugs with opposite mechanism of action of drugs in use today.

It is estimated that over one in four people living an anxiety disorder at least once in their life: he acquires a more lasting anxiety disorder usually helped with anxiety but have many side effects including addiction and sedation. They act, in fact, inhibiting the "neurons anxiety "in the brain. But what if you could cure anxiety by activating a circuit anti-anxiety naturally present in our heads? This is made concrete with the chance discovery of the group Deisseroth. By optogenetica scientists have sifted through the neurons of the amygdala and found a small group of neurons that inhibit anxiety. Making photo-sensitive neurons, the researchers bombarded with flashes of light and saw that when they turn on the anxiety and anxious behavior in mice is reduced, conversely, if off anti-anxiety neurons, the mice show themselves as eager presence of an imminent danger.

This discovery could lead to new treatments for anxiety disorders, Deisseroth explains. "Anxiety is a common but little-known psychiatric illness," says Deisseroth more than one in four people in the course of life, is to deal with symptoms of anxiety.

"The discovery of a new brain circuit whose action is to reduce anxiety could lead to a new treatment strategy," says the scholar. Ironically, the switch just discovered lies within a structure of the brain, the amygdala, known to be associated with fear. In general, in fact, stimulating the nervous activity of the amygdala are increasing anxiety and fear.


Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Update Data Tally7.2 To Tally 9.0

The genius of Daft Helmet is back with the other half

Che il primo casco dei Daft Punk (quello di Guy, tutto d'oro) creato dall'allora sconosciuto Volpin fosse un capolavoro è cosa nota, ma si sentiva la mancanza something. That something was obviously the Thomas helmet (which is silver), but the wait is over! On site Volpin is available for a long article that describes in detail all the great work of putting it in do it yourself. How I'd love to have this guy as a neighbor!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Gums Feel Swollen After Tooth Extraction, Why?

Battlefield 3 in the first video game

WOW. Graphically it is the level of Crysis2 and this says it all. I hope that the already solid multiplayer BC2 is further refined. CoD are you trembling?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hazards In The Kitchen Worksheet

Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 Windows 7: tablet preorder to € 699

After the first details revealed during the past week, Fujitsu has decided to svelare, in occasione del CeBIT di questa settimana, tutti i particolari del tablet Stylistic Q550 con sistema operativo Windows 7.
Il tablet offre la possibilità di scelta tra memoria SSD 30GB o 64GB, tra sistema operativo Windows 7 Home Premium o Professional e monta un display da 10.1 pollici WXGA IPS con capacità multitouch a quattro dita e utilizzo della stilo, 2GB di RAM.
Il prezzo del dispositivo potrebbe variare a seconda dei mercati, ma partirà da €699 in Europa, ove le prevendite sono aperte a partire da domani. Sarebbe interessante vederlo in azione in qualche hands-on che approfondisca i particolari software del terminale.


Mica male sto cosino...

Worried Shaving Rash Could Be Herpes

Crysis 2: multiplayer PC demo available for download

Mantenendo pienamente la promessa di pubblicare la demo multiplayer PC di Crysis 2 il 1 marzo, Crytek ha reso disponibile per il download la versione dimostrativa online del proprio shooter in prima persona, attesissimo all’interno del panorama videoludico.
Il download è effettuabile attraverso Games.On.Net per un totale di 1,56GB da scaricare prima di poter indossare di nuovo la Nanosuit. Ricordiamo che la versione PC di Crysis 2 offrirà server multiplayer dedicati, mentre la data d’uscita prevista per il gioco è il 25 marzo per tutte le versioni (PC, PS3 e X360).


E andiamo!