Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tamil Marriage Invitation Model

effect A new test for cardiovascular health

with detectable levels of troponin the new method are associated with a sevenfold increased risk of cardiovascular death by six years

test the levels of cardiac troponin T (cTnT) is commonly used to diagnose a possible heart attack. Now a more sophisticated version can detect heart disease is still subclinical level that could lead to future cardiovascular events, according to new research of the UT Southwestern Medical Center, coordinated by James de Lemos, associate professor of Internal Medicine at the UT Southwestern.

The work is based on the results of the Dallas Heart Study in which de Lemos and colleagues have considered 6100 residents of the County Dallas. In tale progetto, si è verificato in particolare come il livello di cTnT potrebbe essere rivelato con una tecnologia standard nell'1 per cento della popolazione.

Per determinare se una tecnologia più accurata potesse rivelare il cTnT a più bassi livelli, i ricercatori hanno utilizzato la stessa popolazione di residenti. A partire dall'anno 2000, circa 3500 soggetti di età compresa tra 30 e 65 anni hanno fornito campioni ematici e sono stati sottoposti a scansioni a risonanza magnetica e a tomografia computerizzata per evidenziare eventuali patologie al cuore e agli altri organi. Gli stessi soggetti sono poi stati seguiti fino al 2007.

Secondo quanto riferito nell'articolo di resoconto pubblicato sulla versione online the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) , the researchers showed that the test can detect the protein in approximately 25 percent of blood samples. The detectable levels of troponin are associated with a sevenfold increased risk of cardiovascular death within six years.

"This test is the most powerful predictors of mortality identified so far," said James de Lemos, associate professor of Internal Medicine at the UT Southwestern and lead author of the study. "It seems that the higher the levels of troponin T, the higher the risk of having heart problems, independent of other risk factors."



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