Monday, April 12, 2010

Swain Mats Vs Zebra Mats

Waiting for Windows 7 ...

the ... good BlackBerry added yet another gem.

Yesterday I installed the Twitter application RIM BlackBerry, someone will think "to early."

applications for using Twitter to BB, there were some time ago, but this is not simply an application, this is a perfect integration of Twitter with the notification system BB.

The BB is the concept of universal inbox, where you receive SMS, MMS, email for all accounts defined, PIN messages (the prerogative of the BB that has no equivalent on any other system), notifications of updates downloaded applications from the store, messages on Facebook, Windows Live, and now i messaggi diretti di Twitter, le notifiche delle menzioni e dei nuovi tweet (non una notifica per tweet, ma una notifica della presenza di nuovi tweet).

Per ognuna di queste tipologie c'è poi una relativa icona nell'area di notifica così si vede subito che tipo di messaggio è arrivato. Il tutto chiaramente è configurabile a piacimento.

Nello screen shot (*) l'icona in alto a sinistra a forma di busta per lettere che è l'inbox universale, poi quelle successive sono i singoli inbox dei due account email che ho definito, l'inbox degli sms e del blackberry messenger, mentre in basso a sinitra c'è la cartella che contiene altre applicazioni tra cui Facebook and Twitter. Note that the red overlay icon indicating the presence of new messages appears not only on single inbox, but also on the folder if the folder is an application that has new messages.

Above you can see small notification icons that remain visible when you open some applications like the browser, each icon is fairly self-explanatory.

To see the messages in the inbox you can go or just specific and universal. I like to keep visible all, and what follows 'the universal, I left some messages to make the idea: an email, two of the BB msg messenger (an already' and a bed to read) and a direct message on Twitter .

C'è una profonda differenza tra questo modello e quello di altri smartphone (che poi così tanto smart non sono): col BB non sono io che devo andare ad aprire applicazioni per andare a vedere se ci sono nuovi messaggi, è il sistema che mi avvisa in modo non invasivo di "what is going on".

Se dovessi aprire l'applicazione di Twitter per sapere se ho ricevuto una risposta, diventerebbe talmente poco pratico che finirei per non usarlo se non occasionalmente.

E il fatto che le notifiche non siano intrusive (leggasi: non appaia un messaggio a tutto schermo come sull'iPhone) è un altro elemento molto importante, e infatti sull'iPod Touch ho disabilitato notifications since the Facebook user experience is very bad.

What promises Windows 7 Phone is a user experience similar to the BB, but with further improvements. I am very curious to see if the promises are kept, for my next smartphone will have to prove to earn the nickname "smart", which the majority of those present received undeservedly;)

(*) Unfortunately, I used a ' app that saves a screenshot in jpg instead of png not rendering justice to the beauty of the screen instead of the BB 8900 that has a display spectacular.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Which South Indian Actress Has Biggest Boobs

Down with the whores on Flash!

continues unabated in blogs, forums and various sites the wave of crap on Flash ... Flash and 'heavy, Flash is not' optimized, Flash and 'outdated technology ... HTML5 will save' humanity 'from all the problems ...

But do me the pleasure ... and this' CPU usage by Flash on my desktop ... Video to be 360P, 480p or 720p HD makes no difference, to 0% CPU ...

find me another technology we do best, I leave well freedom 'of choice for the platform: Linux, OS X. .. Amiga!

Stop it, you are ridiculous , Flash, and 'excellent technology, only Silverlight in some respects and 'better in some ways, not all ...

You have sanded enough Zebedee's ... ciofeche if you use operating systems that do not even have native support for hardware acceleration of the GPU not take it in Flash, with your OS prendevela ciofeche;)

Can I See My Indian Mom Boobs When She Sleeping

iAd: iniquity 'and abuse of dominant position.

With iAd, the "revolutionary" system of advertising 'iPhone, Apple has made outing: Steve Jobs is suffering from greed' compulsive.

To be able to digest its users have found this further suck money, Jobs gave us one of his best performances in terms of face Tolle: iAd and 'thought for the benefit of users and developers, helping to keep the most 'high as the number of free applications while at the same time earn developers. Jobs could give lessons to Vanna Marchi ...

Today there are 185,000 applications for the iPhone ... he felt the lack of a tool that stimulates even more 'in style to build applications iFart deceiving developers can make easy money through advertising'.

And to make matters worse, Jobs takes 40% of advertising revenue ... a bit 'as if the automakers claim the tangent to the gas station who fills up the tire or tires that will change ...

It 's true that Apple has costs as it provides la piattaforma di distribuzione delle applicazioni, ma gia' oggi chi vuole la propria applicazione sullo store paga $99 annui anche se l'applicazione e' gratuita, e se proprio proprio Apple voleva una fetta degli introiti pubblicitari... beh 40% e' puro strozzinaggio.

In tutta questa storia Apple e' quella che di sicuro ci guadagna grazie all'abuso della sua posizione dominante. Ci guadagnera' sicuramente qualche software house, ma tante altre saranno risucchiate nel marasma della mediocrita' e quelle che oggi sviluppano applicazioni a pagamento di certo non ne saranno avvantaggiate, anzi, saranno le prime a doversi convertire al nuovo modello. Ci perdono di sicuro gli utenti che avranno un peggioramento dell'esperienza di utilizzo dato che you will see dynamic banners appear every 3 minutes. We lose
carriers that will increase traffic (public 'can have in them and video) without a proportional return on ... unless that Jobs has not had the bright idea of \u200b\u200benabling streaming iAd even when you are 'roaming!

And entering into the realm of speculation: the bet that sooner or later will appear iAd 'not only in the free applications? And we want also to bet that Apple will begin 'to reject applications that try to use alternative advertising systems to IAD?

And like many other "revolutionary" invention of Apple ... I wanted to see the reaction of users and the media if Microsoft had presented a similar pattern to enter advertising 'in third-party software, claiming 40% of the proceeds!

Quoting one of my new idols : go screw yourself Apple.

Friday, April 9, 2010

International Colour Chart

The apotheosis of hypocrisy. Windows 7

What Apple users can shrug or even enjoy the fact that Apple expressly prohibits use of development tools is not "authorized" we can 'also be ... not 'that I expect from an Apple user knows' which way "street" ...

But to rejoice and to approve this type of taxation to be "famous" open source supporters shudder ... I seem to those priests who preach Christian values \u200b\u200band then inchiappettano children the catechism ...

say it's' heavy a comparison? Yes, it will be 'too heavy, but' perfectly fitting. Sara 'I've always hated the robes ... and that Stallman and company seem to me just a church in every way, especially from the point of hypocrisy when their "values" are put to the test.

EDIT: make this place more 'light' with this wonderful article that even when he speaks of iPad OS 4.0 and interprets the spirit that prompted me to write these lines.

EDIT 2: predict that the next suite of Adobe will come out 'months in advance, for Windows and Mac OS! LOL!

EDIT 3: Adobe's CTO says its arguing calmly and with great intelligence, a figure Apple is doing really mean ... Jobs seems more and more 'Gollum with his precious iPhone! ;)

EDIT 4: Jon Lech great! : D Now, as Jobs said that iTunes for Windows' "application under the standards and hinder the progress of the platform" ... will be 'the case that the Microsoft banned from their systems.