Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Energy: France and the UK to link offshore wind and microgeneration widespread

Londra: promozione di piccoli impianti, anche casalinghi, fino a 50 kW elettrici e 300 kW termici

Anche la Francia, tra i principali Paesi al mondo produttori di energia nucleare in percentuale sul totale energetico nazionale, investe sull'eolico offshore. A gennaio, infatti, è previsto il primo bando per la concessione di aree destinate alla realizzazione dei primi parchi eolici marini per una potenza complessiva di circa 3 mila MW. Il governo francese si è posto l'obiettivo entro il 2020 di produrre da fonti rinnovabili il 23% della domanda energetica nazionale. Il che vuol dire che solo con l'eolico occorreranno impianti per un totale di 25 mila MW, di cui 6 mila MW in mare. L’investimento previsto è di circa 20 miliardi di euro. Attualmente sono circa trenta i progetti eolici offshore già proposti in Francia, per una capacità complessiva di circa 8 mila MW. «Non vogliamo ripetere con l'eolico gli stessi errori che abbiano made in the field of solar energy, "said a government spokesman, referring to the delay of the French in the field of photovoltaics, which forces us to import almost all the necessary components.

GREAT BRITAIN - Britain has announced the upcoming launch of a comprehensive program to promote micro-production of energy. The technologies that will promote plants covered up to a power of 50 kW and 300 kW thermal power, related to innovative heat pumps, photovoltaics, solar thermal, biomass, micro wind energy in general and in particular, mini-idroeletrica, fuel cells , recovery del calore dai fumi. Il ministro dell’Energia, Greg Barker, ha diffuso il 22 dicembre un documento sulla strategia da seguire. Il documento si propone di aumentare la fiducia dei consumatori verso la sostenibilità energetica e garantire le migliori condizioni per il più ampio accesso alle informazioni sulle tecnologie della microgenerazione. «Vogliamo piantare i semi per far fiorire la piccola generazione nelle case, nelle aziende e nelle comunità», ha detto il ministro. «Abbiamo già promesso sostegni finanziari per incoraggiare la gente a installare pannelli solari e pompe di calore. Il documento servirà a dare all’industria e ai consumatori la fiducia necessaria a investire».


Friday, December 24, 2010

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From Mars to artificial life, here are the discoveries of the decade

In ten years we have learned to see better. Our eyes are placed on individual neurons that "light up" in the brain, have spied la vita interiore della cellula e seguito in diretta lo sviluppo di un embrione. Hanno raggiunto pianeti simili alla Terra, annusato l'acqua su Marte e "fotografato" l'universo bambino nei primi istanti dopo il Big Bang.

È ricco di figurine, l'album delle scoperte del decennio della rivista Science. Come quella della livrea colorata di alcuni dinosauri del Giurassico, frutto della scoperta che il Dna può conservare dopo decine di migliaia di anni le sue informazioni e far rivivere di fronte ai nostri occhi il volto di un uomo di Neanderthal di 40mila anni fa (pelle chiara e i fulvi) o il sangue di un mammuth, che conteneva un antigelo per sopravvivere agli inverni.
Dal freddo al caldo, Gallery discoveries remind us that a decade ago did not speak of global warming if not in a very skeptical. Today, the magazine writes, "warming is unequivocal, that is caused by man is very plausible and equally unlikely is the ability of nature to restore the balance themselves."

On the other hand, the horizon of our eyes widened. And he wrote that 410 years ago helped to send Giordano Bruno burned at the stake ("There are countless suns and countless earths that revolve around their own") is now more of a certainty is an iPhone app that lets you follow the discovery of new potentially habitable exoplanets. Currently more than 500.

similar to the discovery that the Sun is revolving around the Earth - according to Science - the observation that only one cell in the human body out of ten belong to us. These and many are bacteria that live peacefully on our body if we think in terms of numbers would have a clear majority. count was a task made possible thanks to the rapid sequencing of DNA has achieved. Ten years ago the first reading of the human genome was announced with great fanfare, after a decade of work by hundreds of scientists and the same computer. Today a single computer rattles off the DNA of three individuals in a week.

In the ranking of 2010, winning is the "quantum machine" of researchers from the University of California. For the first time, says Science, "an object built by a man does not move according to the laws of classical mechanics, but according to quantum mechanics," in which atoms and particles are never still, and can be in two places at once.

Over the past decade we have learned to see better, but maybe in the next we will not see anything. If you will succeed studies of metamaterials that deflect light, scientists amaze us with his cloak of invisibility. His early pieces are taking shape in the laboratory. See you next decade may not be the best hope.

SOURCE: Elena Dusi (

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Swedish study, sleep and 'A BEAUTY TREATMENT


The idea that sleep is a beauty treatment is not 'hearsay. A study by Swedish scientists has confirmed that good sleep makes it more 'attractive. Experiment, which 'was conducted by John Axelsson, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, attended by 23 people between 18 and 31 years: all were photographed on two occasions, to 14:00 and 15.00, for the first time after a normal night's sleep of eight hours, a second after they had slept only 5 over 31. The photos were taken all with the same camera in a lighted room, the same distance from the subject. No one was rigged, they all had their hair loose, they were well washed and shaved, and had a face on the recommendation of researchers, was to be the most 'can rilassato e e neutro. Sessantacinque osservatori, che non sapevano nulla di quanto ognuno avesse dormito, hanno classificato le immagini per bellezza e giudicato se avessero un'espressione sana (o meno) stanca o tirata. Ebbene gli osservatori hanno sempre giudicato i partecipanti privati del sonno come meno sani e meno attraenti. "La nostra ricerca mostra che chi e' privato del sonno ha un'espressione meno salubre, meno attraente e meno riposata", si legge nella ricerca. "Il che suggerisce che gli esseri umani sono sensibili ai segni facciali legati al sonno, con potenziali implicazioni sui comportamenti e le decisioni sociali". (AGI) .


Friday, December 10, 2010

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Cancer , an aspirin a day reduces deaths by 20%. But after years

The research published online in The Lancet. Garattini: "Good result, but not in the race to purchase '

Low doses of aspirin can become a shield that can reduce deaths by 20% for many common forms of cancer, but Experts welcomed the news with caution. The new data, published online in The Lancet, are important, but do not explain why aspirin is an anti-cancer shield. Also to be effective the drug must be taken daily for years (5,10 even 15), costi in termini di controindicazioni che non possono essere ignorati.

Il risultato era nell'aria da tempo , considerando che già nell'ottobre scorso uno studio aveva dimostrato che basse dosi di aspirina (75 milligrammi al giorno) riducono di oltre un terzo le morti per tumore del colon retto. Ora il gruppo di Peter Rothwell, dell'università britannica di Oxford, ha preso in considerazione otto studi, per un totale si 25.570 pazienti che prendevano quotidianamente basse dosi di aspirina come prevenzione cardiovascolare. È emerso che l'aspirina riduce le morti per tumore in generale del 21% (del 35% quelle per i tumori gastrointestinali) with apparent benefit for 5 years, after which deaths from all forms of cancer rises to 34% and those for gastrointestinal tumors by 54%. The effects are also more pronounced in people over 65 years.

The protective effect of aspirin is 5 years for cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, brain and lungs of 10 years for stomach and colorectal cancer; of 15 for prostate cancer. Therefore aspirin appears to be a candidate for chemoprevention, such as tamoxifen for breast cancer and vitamins A and E for lung cancer. "The protective role of aspirin against cancer is a topic still debated, "says oncologist Marco Venturini, president-elect of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom). "The only hypothesis that can happen is for the action that the drug has on inflammatory mechanisms related to cancer." What is certain, he adds, "is that there are still insufficient evidence to recommend aspirin at all."

The study published in The Lancet, however, is an important starting point to guide further research, "for example, could identify patients who may have a benefit effective use of low-dose aspirin. " It is on the same line, the cardiologist Aldo Maggioni, director of the Centre for the Study of the National Association of Hospital Cardiologists (ANMCO), but - says "the research does not explain the mechanism by which this happens" and "when considering the causes you enter the world hypotheses'.

Aspirin shield against cancer? "This figure is not surprising : Even a search of 2006 was the Mario Negri Institute found." But research from the University of Oxford "entrusts us with an important result: it indicates that those who take this drug to prevent le malattie cardiovascolari, usufruiscono anche di un altro vantaggio, ovvero prevenire il cancro». A plaudere ai risultati della ricerca è Silvio Garattini, direttore dell'Istituto Mario Negri di Milano. A fare del farmaco più noto al mondo uno scudo contro le neoplasie «l'azione su un enzima, noto come ciclossigenasi - precisa il farmacologo - che accende le infiammazioni, aprendo dunque la porta anche allo sviluppo di tumori. L'aspirina ne inibisce l'attività, proteggendo in questo modo dal rischio di ammalarsi». Aspirina promossa, dunque, ma attenzione: Garattini mette in guardia dalla corsa all'acquisto. «Bisogna ricordare - raccomanda - che questo farmaco ha anche effetti collaterali, tra cui sanguinamenti e forme emorragiche. Deve continuare ad essere assunta quotidianamente - sottolinea dunque - solo da coloro che la prendono già per prevenire problemi cardiovascolari, soprattutto quando si è più avanti con gli anni».

«Lo studio inglese dimostra il principio che il cancro si può prevenire con molecole semplici , come l'aspirina. È la conferma di una mia intuizione di 35 anni fa»: le possibili virtù della farmacoprevenzione. E' il commento dell'oncologo Umberto Veronesi. Da quella prima intuizione sulle potenzialità della farmacoprevenzione, ricorda il direttore Scientific European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Milan, "have been created such as pioneering research on tamoxifen, as we have shown that even with an Italian study is able to prevent the onset of breast cancer by up to 30% of cases '.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

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effect A new test for cardiovascular health

with detectable levels of troponin the new method are associated with a sevenfold increased risk of cardiovascular death by six years

test the levels of cardiac troponin T (cTnT) is commonly used to diagnose a possible heart attack. Now a more sophisticated version can detect heart disease is still subclinical level that could lead to future cardiovascular events, according to new research of the UT Southwestern Medical Center, coordinated by James de Lemos, associate professor of Internal Medicine at the UT Southwestern.

The work is based on the results of the Dallas Heart Study in which de Lemos and colleagues have considered 6100 residents of the County Dallas. In tale progetto, si è verificato in particolare come il livello di cTnT potrebbe essere rivelato con una tecnologia standard nell'1 per cento della popolazione.

Per determinare se una tecnologia più accurata potesse rivelare il cTnT a più bassi livelli, i ricercatori hanno utilizzato la stessa popolazione di residenti. A partire dall'anno 2000, circa 3500 soggetti di età compresa tra 30 e 65 anni hanno fornito campioni ematici e sono stati sottoposti a scansioni a risonanza magnetica e a tomografia computerizzata per evidenziare eventuali patologie al cuore e agli altri organi. Gli stessi soggetti sono poi stati seguiti fino al 2007.

Secondo quanto riferito nell'articolo di resoconto pubblicato sulla versione online the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) , the researchers showed that the test can detect the protein in approximately 25 percent of blood samples. The detectable levels of troponin are associated with a sevenfold increased risk of cardiovascular death within six years.

"This test is the most powerful predictors of mortality identified so far," said James de Lemos, associate professor of Internal Medicine at the UT Southwestern and lead author of the study. "It seems that the higher the levels of troponin T, the higher the risk of having heart problems, independent of other risk factors."


Monday, December 6, 2010

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discovered bacterium that eats arsenic


It was discovered a bacterium "alien" that feeds on arsenic. Not in the sense that alien from outer space, but its metabolism is not based on oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and carbon as all other living beings on this planet, but on something that is poisonous to life in his complex. The bacterium is the strain GFAJ-1 family Halomonadaceae Gamma Proteobacteria class that lives on the bed of Mono Lake, a lake in California on the border of Yosemite Park, known for its extremely alkaline water (pH 10) containing high amounts of arsenic and salts that are deposited to form beautiful travertine concretions and locally are called tuffs, although they are not geologically.

AMENDED - The bacterium has been modified in a laboratory of the Institute of astrobiology at Arizona State University ordered by Felisa Wolfe-Simon, thanks to research funded by NASA and published Thursday by Science . Now life is completely dependent on the bacterium by a poison such as arsenic. The existence of such an organism is the proof that life can exist in forms very different from those we know, a figure which can not fail to take into account all space programs involved in the search for living beings on other planets. "The great news is that arsenic is utililzzato as a building block for an organization," said Professor Ariel Anbar, co-author of the study. Researchers have grown in laboratory bacteria found in the mud of Mono Lake with high levels of arsenic. A little 'time, biologists have increased the amount of arsenic in the culture medium for bacteria, microorganisms make up completely dependent on quell'elemento. Che i batteri siano riusciti a sopravvivere è stata una sorpresa per gli stessi ricercatori. I batteri del ceppo GFAJ-1 sono oggi l'unica forma di vita finora nota nella quale una sostanza tossica come l'arsenico sostituisce completamente il fosfato, indispensabile alle funzioni vitali di tutte le forme di vita conosciute. Il fosfato è infatti alla base delle molecole di tutte le cellule.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Applificazione the web: # FAIL!

The applificazione the web is to write applications (typically for a fee) that actually provide the exact same information that is available via the web. Since

must somehow justify the price of the application is trying to make the customer believe that the dedicated application instead of the simple website could be a better user experience. So here you are trying to give a look and feel more 'nice maybe trying to add some data or some function' absent on the Web (there is usually no more 'no technical reason that prevents to provide the same experience on the Web) .

But it's all roses, no thorns? Well maybe in some cases it can 'be so', but the rule I see in everyday experience and 'that is the opposite, namely that the app had almost all the thorns and leaves the petals web experience.

Porto two examples: the first refers to the application of the Corriere della Sera Phone for Windows 7 that worked the first week and then (at least on my end) and 'always gone systematically crash almost always already' all ' initiation of the same or just try moving from the first page. Uninstalled and put on the back burner.

The second example, instead take it from Apple and from NBA Game Time Lite and that 'an application fee (0.79 €) which has a sister even more' expensive (9.99 €) fornisce servizi ulteriori.

Ieri notte questo e' quello che vedevo tramite NBA Game Time Lite:

Le partite non risultavano ancora in corso nonostante l'ora di inizio fissata per l'1:30 (ossia da oltre un'ora, considerate le 6 ore di fuso orario).

Allora chiudo l'app e apro Safari per andare direttamente sul sito

L'NBA sembra "amare" molto i device Apple, per cui invece di avere un singolo sito per i device mobile, hanno fatto una versione del sito mobile specifica per iOS, molto curata nella UI, ma anch'essa profondamente bacata, infatti li' la partita risulta iniziata da un pezzo, ma appena I'm going to look at the statistics of the match what occurs?

for the Atlanta-Miami game statistics are displayed for a few days before a game between Philadelphia and Cleveland!

Then I take the LG with WP7 and opening the exact same site that I am the general UI and 'the same if I open them with the BlackBerry and' everything 'in place: lots are still running and adjusted statistics.

Morality and 'the web and applificazione' cost to the user, and 'cost for the person who carries out' cause this must be dedicated to maintenance instead of just maintaining the site and gain for Apple and 'the only one who really benefit from this insane process.

This "transformation" of the Web strongly desired by Apple and 'destructive, I hope that more and more' and those who take note that this phenomenon applificare the web is transitory.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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DEPRESSION: DISCOVERY key protein molecule to cure

Scoperta una proteina che potrebbe essere la chiave per un nuovo trattamento contro la depressione, altamente mirato e con pochi effetti collaterali.
Neuroscientists at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto found that the coupling between two dopamine receptors and 'significantly more' high in the brains of people who had been diagnosed as more 'severe depression. "We have identified a potential therapeutic target for the development of novel anti-depressants," said Dr. Fang Liu, Principal Investigator and Senior Scientist in CAMH and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University 'of Toronto. Working on this discovery, researchers have searched for ways to disrupt this "coupling" between the two receptors in hopes of getting an effect anti-depressant. They began by analyzing a specific signaling mechanism of dopamine, the combination of D1 and D2 receptors, to identify sites that bind the two receptors together.
With this information, you were able to generate a protein that can break the bond of the two receptors.
protein and 'was then tested in animal models to compare the effects with the current anti-depressant drugs. "After administering the peptide, we have seen a marked improvement in depressive behavior. The improvement observed in the group and peptide 'was equivalent to the improvement with traditional anti-depressants. "This new protein is a completely new approach to treating depression, treatment to date is based primarily on drugs that block the serotonin transporter or norepinephrine.
These conventional antidepressant drugs do not work for all patients, and can cause various side effects.
"We are confident that our research will lead 'to new treatment options that may reduce side effects for patients with depression "said Dr. Liu.