Microsoft in the consumer sector.
Which day more' suitable to address the issue if not today, since few now Apple will play 'his wildcard to take control of the consumer market! Microsoft has always
bill the bulk of its "income" in the business. + Office server products are that they feed company in Redmond. In the consumer sector numbers have always been modest in terms of revenue but more 'in terms of useful, even for several years, most consumer products have been at a loss (see the Xbox).
This year, thanks to Windows 7, perhaps for the first time, bring home the coveted 's a bit of $ $ $ into the coffers of Microsoft, but it' s an exception, and especially not 'sufficient to revive the fortunes of Microsoft in the consumer sector.
currently the only product that is giving some purely consumer satisfaction and narrow 'and the Xbox Live in particular the part of, but it 's a small thing considering that the gaming and' just a slice of home entertainment and consumer market in general.
Microsoft does not have a unified strategy for this sector, there are several groups working in a fragmented (just look at products such as Windows Media Player, Media Center and Zune software to understand how MS squander energy and generate confusion in the final ) and the result 'that competition continues to sleep soundly.
Certainly Apple has not anything to fear from products such as Zune HD ... that a few months since the release may 'include the beauty of 12 games and 4 utility in the "rich" online store!
What about Windows Live and the strategy for the mobile?
Proprio in questi giorni mi sono imbattuto nell'ennesima conferma che MS sta brancolando nel buio priva di qualsiasi idea su come "conquistare" la fedelta' dei clienti.
Da anni sono un utente BlackBerry e ultimamente molti amici e conoscenti lo sono diventati, chi perche' ha ricevuto il BlackBerry aziendale, chi per scelta individuale.
La prima cosa che salta all'occhio e' che nel settore business l'utente BlackBerry trova una buona integrazione coi prodotti Microsoft, mentre nel settore consumer l'integrazione e' del tutto assente.
Ad esempio non e' possibile sincronizzare il calendario di Windows Live con quello del BB, mentre e' banale farlo col calendario del Mac o con quello online di Google.
This for me is' the perfect example of the lack of foresight on the part of Microsoft in the consumer sector. What the costs to provide the same functionality as' providing Google users with BlackBerry? Almost anything ... yet he continues with his ridiculous policy of "war" against everything 'and not' branded Microsoft, however, and when 'you win just by opening new units of users.
if tomorrow I decide not to use 'BlackBerry, my choice would be natural to an Android, as the transition from one system to another would have the least impact in terms of migration. What
instead far more 'complex when switching to a Windows Mobile.
E 'of today the news that MS calm down ', yet another confirmation that the consumer sector never understood what the real needs of users. The portals for individual use have never had really happened (maybe you yahoo! In its heyday) but several years now that does not use them more 'no one also should have learned by looking at the competition in general in the field of online applications Consumers are dead and buried, and the proof 'that the iPhone has broken through after Apple took note that online applications were just a dead end and opened up the iPhone to third-party developers and the results we know them well.
Microsoft continues to fail on things taken for granted. Currently does not have any really successful consumer product, has only a couple of discrete products which, however, 'are left on their own and with no real integration with the rest and it lacks the cutting edge that can generate momentum for associated products (for sure it will not be' Windows Mobile 7 ). And on this gray
offer Microsoft consumer will arrive today 'the final blow with the Apple tablet will be' anything but a laptop without the keyboard ... guaranteed;)
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