Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Should You Pop External Hemrioid

iPad, name aside, the rest and 'OK. The Kobarid

Un amico anglofone mi faceva notare che "pad" ha diversi significati e in particolare nell'accezione di "materiale assorbente" offre spunto per ironizzare ;)

Dell'iPad ci sono cose che mi piacciono e altre che mi lasciano perplesso, ma poi neppure piu' di tanto perche' comunque e' come tutti i prodotti Apple in versione 1.0... un prodotto di "perlustrazione" del mercato.

Il primo iPod faceva abbastanza pena, il primo iPhone faceva parecchio pena, OS X 10.0 era una ciofeca imbarazzante... ma Apple ha la forza dello zoccolo duro che acquista a prescindere, so it can 'afford to go out with lame products and perhaps the iPad and' zoppiccante less than they were many other Apple products and become successful. The weight will go

'occurred in the use, but if it was under 500 grams. would have been much better. The screen will be 'also an IPS has a resolution but a bit' Scarsetto and black frame so that an 'extended time ago the deceased.

Everything else 'is absolutely in line with what I imagined. It 's not a laptop without the keyboard as the slate are the different computers at CES in Las Vegas. And that 'the key point. Compare it to a netbook or a slate and 'nonsense, this is' another type of device, and' a new breed. When

almost 40 years ago appeared the first personal computer, certainly found many to criticize those computers that did not even have castrated a punched card reader! Unnecessary items, which made no sense, they'd never been successful ... eh is right! : D

The point 'that the new devices can not be revolutionary the first day, they become over time. And the iPad compared to other devices already part 'very advantage' cause Apple has been able to exploit the legacy 'of the iPhone by presenting an object that has much in common with the iPhone and at the same time and' completely different.

I am convinced that for the moment we have not seen the potential 'dell'iPad, certainly in the coming months there will be 'a plethora of new applications and new ways to use it. Repeating an example dear to me, I assume that most 'someone will transform him' in a "mega" command to the remote TV (Sky first saw that already 'makes a nice prodottino for the iPhone), or a device to interface to various appliances, maybe even to do some 'home automation.

and see 'fields of application in areas not only allowed (someone said medical records?).

certainly has some shortcomings, especially because the camera 'would be useful just for medical applications and for scanning bar codes, for one thing. But it 's only version 1.0 ... There 's time to improve. In a

do not know I assume the distant future may even in a "family" with a single device fixed and a variable number of panels for display screens that are simple, but combined with the 'separate and shared computing.

Any comparison with the slate and Windows 7 + 'totally ludicrous. Of course, in some business sectors there will be 'who will develop' professional touch-friendly applications for the slate, but in general Windows 7 is not 'usable with only touch and therefore do not see how the slate will act as home multimedia devices to compete iPad due to missing the very basic UI for this role.

Microsoft should do a version of Windows 7 without the classic desktop and provide a dedicated SDK for application development-friendly slate, which is not going to happen 'never' cause Microsoft in this area and 'for almost eight years we failing in a surgical trial.

brings us to the issue price ... all in all "reasonable" to be an Apple product, but I would not give much importance, however, 'cause as I said, and' a version 1.0 and the product and 'at the time for the hard core ... I'll wait 'to come out and maybe one with AMOLED screen with multitouch activated on the back, because it' s a lot more 'comfortable, practical and above all do not pollute the display! : D

PS I wonder what Jobs has stopped from entering the stage exhibiting two iPad, an arm for ... Uncle style Moses'! ;)

PPS fun to read the comments on the Apple user forums ... deluged with criticism and only rare appreciation ... granted, Apple users are handicapped when it comes to technology, they see a few inches from their noses, after all if it were not so 'would not be Apple users in the first place no? : D But then over time they too will understand ...

EDIT: Dr. Jim I have permission to use the picture that you linked because it 's too good:)


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