Monday, March 14, 2011

Vintage Ertica Malina Velba

Force Dynamics 401cr: a driver's seat from $ 100,000 in a new video

Force Dynamics is a small family composed of father and son at the request of a customer has made 401cr , a driver's seat is not impossible to define "extreme." The seat can rotate it 360 degrees and tilt sideways, fall and rise, pretending that all the movements to which a pilot would be subject if you put the wheel of a car true.
In the movie you can see a journalist Engadget do a test drive Iracing (a location like this do not deserve nothing less than the best simulator on the market). Needless to say, a toy like this is the prerogative of a few: la versione base senza piattaforma roteante costa 40.000 dollari, mentre la versione completa che potete ammirare nel video arriva a costare ben 100.000 dollari (o 72.000€ se preferite).


Questo sedilone batte il mio di brutto, peccato per i 70 mila euro...

What Did Anglo Saxons Use Instead Of Rhyme


Alcune di queste scene le ho già viste...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Churidar Stitching Tutorial

Found in the brain switch "anti-anxiety"

Si trova nell’area del cervello della paura

Un “click” nel cervello per spegnere l’ansia. Un team di ricercatori americani ha infatti scoperto che basta stimolare un particolare circuito cerebrale per spegnere l’ansia. Un interruttore che, un po’ a sorpresa, si trova proprio all’interno di una struttura del cervello associata con la paura.

La ricerca della Stanford University School of Medicine (Usa) è pubblicata online su Nature . Nello studio Karl Deisseroth e i suoi colleghi hanno impiegato un modello animale (topo) per dimostrare che stimolare l’attività in this circuit increases the propensity of animals to take risks, while inhibiting these suddenly become much more cautious.

According to the magazine, this circuit could become the target of a new class of anti-anxiety drugs with opposite mechanism of action of drugs in use today.

It is estimated that over one in four people living an anxiety disorder at least once in their life: he acquires a more lasting anxiety disorder usually helped with anxiety but have many side effects including addiction and sedation. They act, in fact, inhibiting the "neurons anxiety "in the brain. But what if you could cure anxiety by activating a circuit anti-anxiety naturally present in our heads? This is made concrete with the chance discovery of the group Deisseroth. By optogenetica scientists have sifted through the neurons of the amygdala and found a small group of neurons that inhibit anxiety. Making photo-sensitive neurons, the researchers bombarded with flashes of light and saw that when they turn on the anxiety and anxious behavior in mice is reduced, conversely, if off anti-anxiety neurons, the mice show themselves as eager presence of an imminent danger.

This discovery could lead to new treatments for anxiety disorders, Deisseroth explains. "Anxiety is a common but little-known psychiatric illness," says Deisseroth more than one in four people in the course of life, is to deal with symptoms of anxiety.

"The discovery of a new brain circuit whose action is to reduce anxiety could lead to a new treatment strategy," says the scholar. Ironically, the switch just discovered lies within a structure of the brain, the amygdala, known to be associated with fear. In general, in fact, stimulating the nervous activity of the amygdala are increasing anxiety and fear.


Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Update Data Tally7.2 To Tally 9.0

The genius of Daft Helmet is back with the other half

Che il primo casco dei Daft Punk (quello di Guy, tutto d'oro) creato dall'allora sconosciuto Volpin fosse un capolavoro è cosa nota, ma si sentiva la mancanza something. That something was obviously the Thomas helmet (which is silver), but the wait is over! On site Volpin is available for a long article that describes in detail all the great work of putting it in do it yourself. How I'd love to have this guy as a neighbor!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Gums Feel Swollen After Tooth Extraction, Why?

Battlefield 3 in the first video game

WOW. Graphically it is the level of Crysis2 and this says it all. I hope that the already solid multiplayer BC2 is further refined. CoD are you trembling?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hazards In The Kitchen Worksheet

Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 Windows 7: tablet preorder to € 699

After the first details revealed during the past week, Fujitsu has decided to svelare, in occasione del CeBIT di questa settimana, tutti i particolari del tablet Stylistic Q550 con sistema operativo Windows 7.
Il tablet offre la possibilità di scelta tra memoria SSD 30GB o 64GB, tra sistema operativo Windows 7 Home Premium o Professional e monta un display da 10.1 pollici WXGA IPS con capacità multitouch a quattro dita e utilizzo della stilo, 2GB di RAM.
Il prezzo del dispositivo potrebbe variare a seconda dei mercati, ma partirà da €699 in Europa, ove le prevendite sono aperte a partire da domani. Sarebbe interessante vederlo in azione in qualche hands-on che approfondisca i particolari software del terminale.


Mica male sto cosino...

Worried Shaving Rash Could Be Herpes

Crysis 2: multiplayer PC demo available for download

Mantenendo pienamente la promessa di pubblicare la demo multiplayer PC di Crysis 2 il 1 marzo, Crytek ha reso disponibile per il download la versione dimostrativa online del proprio shooter in prima persona, attesissimo all’interno del panorama videoludico.
Il download è effettuabile attraverso Games.On.Net per un totale di 1,56GB da scaricare prima di poter indossare di nuovo la Nanosuit. Ricordiamo che la versione PC di Crysis 2 offrirà server multiplayer dedicati, mentre la data d’uscita prevista per il gioco è il 25 marzo per tutte le versioni (PC, PS3 e X360).


E andiamo!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Exiting Tally Memory Error

baldness molecule discovered by chance: the first tests in mice with antistressina

Stress plays a role not only in the arrival of white hair, but also the loss of hair. A common problem, so that over the years have multiplied and lotions miraculous drug treatments against baldness. But also effective products are unable to return a luxuriant head of hair. Now a team led by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (USA) and the Veterans Administration, thinks he has found a solution.

The discovery came by accident . Investigating how stress effect on gastrointestinal function, U.S. researchers think they have found a chemical compound that induces hair growth by blocking the stress hormone. The unexpected discovery is described online at "PLoS One". "Our results demonstrate that a short-term treatment with this compound causes an incredible long-term hair growth in mutant mice, chronically stressed," says Mulugeta Million, the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. "This could open new ways to treat hair loss in humans through the modulation of stress hormone receptors, in particular against hair loss related to chronic stress and aging."


The research team, who originally studied the brain-gut interactions,

Researchers at the Salk had developed the chemical compound, a peptide called astressin-B , describing its ability to block the action of CRF. Thus were created the animals engineered for that purpose. Bald mice by injecting the molecule, the researchers at UCLA have found that a single application showed no effects, so they continued for five days, to give the peptide a better chance to block the receptors' in the viewfinder. They then observed the effects in the colon of animals subjected to stress led, putting them in cages along with the hairy mice used to make the comparison.

About three months later, investigators retrieved out mice to be more research into gastrointestinal and found it could no longer distinguish the genetically modified animals from normal. The hair had grown back, thick and glossy, glabrous on the backs above. "When we analyzed the identification number of the mice on which the hair was' back we discovered that, in fact, the peptide was responsible for the super-bald regrowth in mice," says Mulugeta. "Subsequent studies have confirmed this phenomenon in an unequivocal manner."

Of particular interest, according to the authors, is the short duration of treatment: only one injection a day for five consecutive days is sufficient to maintain the effects for up to four months. "A relatively long time, since the mice live less than two years," added Mulugeta. If the effect is preserved in humans, the peptide could provide a lasting solution to the nightmare baldness. UCLA and the Salk Institute believe in it, so who applied for a patent for the use of peptide astressin-B for the growth of hair. also includes researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, and Oregon Health Sciences University. For their experiments, the researchers used mice genetically engineered to overproduce a stress hormone: the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). These mice lose hair with age and eventually become bald on his back, which makes them very recognizable.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Groping Women On Buses

Daft Punk daftpunkizzano bottles of Coca Cola!

Coca Cola è la bevanda più famosa al mondo. Il brand di Atlanta non è nuovo a collaborazioni con esponenti del mondo musicale. Nel passato più o meno recente ci sono state quelle con Mika e Justice tanto per citarne un paio. L'ultima, in ordine di tempo, è quella con il duo francese dei Daft Punk, i fautori della soundtrack di TRON Legacy . Il 4 marzo debutterà sul mercato la Daftcoke. Si tratterà di Coca Cola commercializzata in due bottiglie da collezione argentate e dorate, proprio come i caschi da robot adoperati da Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter in their public appearances. At the bottom of news you can find the photos of the containers and the announcement of the TV commercial that will air on French television and radio soon. On the site Daft Coke is a "coming soon" that portends the arrival of update.


What weird stuff ... I want to see what they put on that site ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

12 Dpo Cervix Slightly Open

Crysis2 goes hard!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Ap Bio Lab Diffusion And Osmosis

Photovoltaics. First spray the panels arrive

Li is studying the University of Texas

In the future, solar panels can be sprayed on the roof as they spray. Compared to conventional solar panels, this technique could lower costs and reduce the fragility of the materials in the face of bad weather. This ambito si occupa il gruppo di ricerca di Brian Korgel, chimico dei nanomateriali alla University of Texas di Austin. Attualmente, per fabbricare celle solari molto efficienti, servono macchinari costosi e alte temperature. L'approccio di Korgel, completamente diverso, si basa sulle nanotecnologie: "Con il mio gruppo di ricerca ci stiamo occupando di nanocristalli. Il materiale su cui concentriamo la nostra attenzione è un polimero detto CIGS (dall'acronimo inglese per diseleniuro di rame, indio e gallio): produciamo minuscole particelle di questa sostanza che si possono mischiare in un solvente, creando una specie di vernice". Questa sorta di vernice potrà essere a sua volta spruzzata sulle superfici di plastica, di vetro e perfino di tessuto, per create a solar panel. "Our goal is to greatly reduce manufacturing costs," said Korgel. "Consumers want products easy to use. With our panels will go to the hardware store under the house, buy them and install them on the roof," said Vahid Akhavan, one of his collaborators. As for the marketing but there is still a long way to go: "Our panels have an efficiency of 3% so far, and to go on the market value must be at least 10%," he admitted Korgel, which But he was confident: "Getting to 10% is only a matter of engineering. It is said to be easy, but the conceptual point of view there are no major obstacles."


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Movies Salieri Online

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - finally a release date for the PC version


DC Universe Online: la recensione

Il fascino che i supereroi esercitano sulla maggior parte di noi riesce…

Ghost Trick: la…

Avete mai giocato almeno un episodio della saga di Phoenix Wright? Se…

Dead Space 2: la…

Come la "macchia di Rorschach” utilizzata da Electronic Arts per annunciarci nel…
Vedi tutti i post in in evidenza

Crysis 3 solo su console a causa della pirateria?

pubblicato da Rosario
Crysis 2: galleria immagini
Killzone 3 piratato , Crysis 2 pure : ancora prima di uscire sul mercato, due tra i titoli più attesi di questo periodo sono trapelati sulla rete, mandando on a rampage developers and publishers. Just for the series Crytek, Electronic Arts may in future make the decision to publish the new Chapter 3 Crysis only on consoles. It is the worst-case scenario imagined (as reported by Eurogamer ) as a result to what happened in the last few days Gamers' Voice , English organization for the rights of gamers.
In fact, right at the leak 2 Crysis, Crytek, the team said it was still always willing to support the PC platform and its players, although in light of what the press release published by EA on its official website in his time plays a bit 'as a threat:
"Crytek has been alerted that an incomplete version and not the end of Crysis 2 has appeared on torrent sites. Crytek and EA are deeply disappointed by this news. We encourage fans to support the game development team and buy the final product, to be released March 25. Crysis 2 is still under development and promises to be one of the best-selling action games. With these actions, the pirates continue to do nothing but damage the PC market and its community of developers. "If you really
Crysis 3 will arrive on consoles in the market there is obviously given to know, but it would certainly be a great loss for the PC platform. I do not still seems the most likely scenario, but I predict a massive use of DRM to combat hackers.
1 stelle 2 stelle 3 stelle 4 stelle 5 stelle (4 Votes pubblicato da Michele
condividi condividi Per propiziare la commercializzazione ormai imminente di Shogun 2 , SEGA America
e i ragazzi di
Creative Assembly
hanno deciso di pubblicare per il 22 febbraio una versione dimostrativa che consenta agli amanti degli strategici su PC di familiarizzare con le numerose novità introdotte dagli sviluppatori inglesi in questo nuovo episodio della storica saga di Total War.
Con la demo in questione potremo così saggiare in modalità Schermaglia una mappa della campagna a giocatore singolo: dalla gestione delle guarnigioni avanzate allo studio dei weaknesses of the opponent, our aim will be to play the brave samurai Daimyo

to guide him in the difficult task of reunification of the clan that pearl feudal Japan of 1500. Taking advantage of the opportunity, developers have released the official cover of Total War: Shogun 2

that, we remind you, will be available from March 15 exclusively on PC.
Total War: Shogun 2 - galleria immagini

(2 Votes
Total War: Shogun 2 - galleria immagini Amnesia: The Dark Descent , the game developed by independent software house Frictional Games has attracted the attention of THQ, which in a few days will begin to distribute officially U.S. territory. already able to reap great success as a game-digital delivery without any "major" video game behind the masterpiece will hit U.S. stores in packaged version from next February 22. We wonder if THQ decided to bring the game in Europe: a higher profile would certainly be good not only for Frictional Games, but also for any PC player. Recall that Total War: Shogun 2 - galleria immagini Amnesia: The Dark Descent is an old-fashioned survival horror with great atmosphere, good technical implementation, discrete longevity, and price. You can try it directly with the free demo . Total War: Shogun 2 - galleria immagini via Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood - finalmente una data d'uscita per la versione PC Total War: Shogun 2 - galleria immagini pubblicato da Rosario
1 stelle 2 stelle 3 stelle 4 stelle 5 stelle Finalmente ci siamo: dopo tanto aspettare e sperare anche i giocatori PC hanno una
data d’uscita
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood , terzo capitolo della fortunata serie Ubisoft dedicata alla lotta tra Assassini e Templari. condividi Ezio Auditore , Roma e la modalità multigiocatore introdotta proprio con Brotherhood arriveranno su PC il prossimo 17 marzo condividi , data comune a Nord America e nazioni dell’Europa continentale, mentre il Regno Unito dovrà aspettare un giorno in più. Complice anche il mese più corto dell’anno, manca quindi davvero poco all’uscita di uno dei titoli più apprezzati del 2010 su PS3 e Xbox 360. Proprio ieri infatti abbiamo appreso del raggiungimento dei 6,5 milioni di copie distribuite in tutto il mondo per Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, cifra sicuramente destinata a incrementare grazie all’arrivo del gioco su PC, dove per premiare l’attesa giungerà con tutti i contenuti aggiuntivi finora pubblicati su console, più il supporto al 3D stereoscopico e ai monitor multipli . Fonte:
Era hours !!!!!!

The Verification Of A Known Dll

Crysis 2: The PC demo coming March 1

Electronic Arts has announced the arrival of the multiplayer demo of Crysis 2

PC next March 1. The file will be published at and other partner sites. In

PC multiplayer demo will include two game modes and two maps, both set in Manhattan. "Skyline" is a map that unfolds over the roofs and floors in the devastation of New York skyscrapers, while "Pier17," sources close to the docks, is open and offers a few hedge positions. The two modes are "Team Instant Action" where two teams face each other in an attempt to collect more killings in the duration of the round, and "Crash Site", where players will compete to take control of alien stations in an attempt to gain more points by defending the positions gained and keeping the enemies from a distance. Crytek states that the PC version of Crysis 2 will provide dedicated multiplayer server. Source:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Do You Use A Vibertor

Crysis2 has two new videos

1 stelle 2 stelle 3 stelle 4 stelle Video Games

Monday, February 14, 2011

Covering Letter Examples For Trainee Dental Nurse

simulated landing on Mars to prepare a landing

landed! The first vehicle with a human crew was placed on the soil of Mars, the first simulated mission to Mars. Mars is the culmination of 500, the experiment organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) to simulate the long journey to Mars and the consequences that the insulation could have on astronauts. "We're almost halfway through and so far the results are excellent for the way in which the crew is accustomed to confinement," said Simonetta Di Pippo, head of ESA's Directorate for Human spaceflight. For eight months, an international crew of six volunteers, including the Italian-Colombian Diego Urbina, has "traveled" to the edge of the large mortgage that is located in Moscow, within the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP).
is a large structure consisting of three main cylinders, connected to two other modules: one that simulates the landing vehicle, and one that reconstructs the Martian surface. Today has been closed the door between the Eu-50 module, which simulates the shuttle landing, and the Eu-150 module, which simulates the spacecraft continues to orbit around Mars. The crew Š then divided into two parts. The team landing is composed of Russian Alexandr Smoleevskiy, commander and pilot of the landing module, the Italian-Colombian Urbina and Wang Yue of China.

Support Team which will monitor the operations from the orbit of Mars is composed of master and doctor Alexey Sitev Sukhrob Kamolov, both Russians, and the engineer flying Frenchman Romain Charles. Monday, 14 will be another important day, perhaps even more exciting, because Smoleevskiy, Urbina and Wang Yue will walk on Mars after wearing a special suit, obtained by changing the Russian Orlan suit, used by astronauts for spacewalks.

"From this experiment - said Di Pippo - we expect a lot of scientific data and many useful elements to understand the psychological phenomena that can occur during a long period of isolation: all this will help us understand how to simulate a real mission on Mars. " In the eight months of the outward journey, for example, it was important to see how the crew reacted to some "contingency simulated small incidents that have taken aback volunteers: each has reacted differently, depending on its characteristics and psychological its culture, whereas there are on board Russian, European and Chinese.

To really go to Mars could take another 20 years, "but only with a great international effort. All - according to Di Pippo - will depend on the political decision to invest in innovative technologies by leading space agencies. The new era of exploration of the Solar System starts from conditions completely different from those of the Apollo missions that led to the man on the moon then the mission is born from a strong nationalistic drive, now everything is based on international collaboration. "


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is It Safe To Masterbate With A Banana

The real crisis is holding back the 'incli': -40%, but comes within the new installment in the Mariana Trench

Almost halved the interventions, and those who just do not want to give up on takeoff, the nose straight or reduced eye relies on the financial packages that offer specific

Two measures in more than bra, a nose as straight (perhaps French), eyelids no longer declining: for many Italians are not luxury goods, but essential needs, so much so that thousands of households to borrow (using financial packages that offer specific) but to allow his wife, sister, daughter, of a dream come true beauty in a moment of 'lean. The phenomenon of "new breasts to rate" is just the tip of the iceberg of an industry that, even more than others, is paying heavily for the crisis: that of cosmetic surgery.

"The impact of the crisis has been devastating - Andrea admits Grisotto, president of SICPRE, Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic - beginning three years ago, not heard, but now the Italians make realize that the money is running out and close the purse strings. Interventions were down 40 percent from two years ago. "

A pagare lo scotto della crisi , spiega Grisotti, sono proprio "gli interventi chirurgici: seno, naso, palpebre, che costano tutti attorno ai 5.000 euro. Mentre sono in crescita, malgrado tutto, le iniezioni di botox e di acido ialuronico per labbra e zigomi, che costano meno, anche se necessitano di periodiche visite per nuove iniezioni". Ma gli italiani che "resistono" alla crisi, e continuano a rivolgersi al chirurgo plastico per rimodellare il proprio corpo, non sono solo i più ricchi, anzi: "Continuano a venire anche persone con poca disponibilità economica. Il fenomeno dell’indebitamento delle famiglie non riguarda solo case o macchine, ma anche gli interventi estetici".

Tanto che sono nate offerte da parte di banche e finanziarie pensate proprio per questo tipo di esigenze: un seno o un naso nuovo, ossia dai 4.000 ai 5.000 euro di spesa, si possono rateizzare per un periodo fino a due anni: "Molti pagano a rate - conferma Grisotti - pur di non rinunciare a quelle correzioni estetiche che evidentemente vengono considerate irrinunciabili, e approfittano di queste offerte mirate che offrono diverse opzioni favorevoli. Un modo per non far crollare definitivamente il settore, anche se siamo molto in difficoltà, soprattutto i colleghi più giovani e meno noti".


Friday, February 11, 2011

Amusing Things To Write In A Wedding Card

Dirt 3: A video of the almighty Audi Quattro

5 stelle
condividi sbav Mega! I just hope to have the new PC by March 25 ... condividi